Saturday, May 31, 2008

Uncle Johnny's Vegetables

This recipe is more of a "to your taste" recipe. Below are the ingredients and quantity I use, but you can vary the quantity and add or take away something you like or dislike. It is really great cooked out on the grill in an aluminum pan (covered w/foil) or you can cook it in the oven at 350 deg. for several hours. It's faster out on the grill. Can also be cooked in a roaster at 300 deg. Stir often!

3-4 large onions, chunked, or 8-10 small ones - whole
4 head of broccoli - cut up
5-6 small zucchini - chunked
2 bell pepper - chunked
1 head cauliflower - cut up
3-4 c. carrots - chunked
3-4 large tomatoes - chunked
2 lbs. Italian mushrooms - quartered or halved
1/2 to 3/4 of large bottle of Worchestershire sauce
1/2 to 1 stick real butter - sliced
1 1/2 c. red wine
salt and garlic to taste

Cover and cook until tender - there will be lots of juice. Great warmed up the next day if you have any left.

1 comment:

Biz said...

Another wonderful sounding do you stay thin??