Thursday, July 9, 2009

Musings From a Busy Mom

I've been sitting here watching the "news" the past few days and came to a conclusion that I'm sure many of you have reached. Our country is nuts.

I have watched our so called "news stations and news updates and news reports" and all they want to talk about is Michael Jackson. What about the real news in this world, country, state, or town? What about the 13 soldiers that died in Afghanistan this past week? Where is the news on them? What about the respect they deserved for standing up for something they believed in - freedom????

Don't get me wrong. I grew up watching the Jackson 5 and later Michael Jackson, Jermaine Jackson and Janet Jackson, independently. I liked their music, but I never considered any of them a god. I grew up in the 70's and 80's. I remember when Thriller debuted and all my friends were so excited. I remember the white glove and the moon walk. None could do it better than Michael. But at some point, the Michael I liked and listened to changed. So, as I grew up I quit listening to most of his music, but every once in a while one of the "golden oldies" would play somewhere and I'd be bopping my head to the beat. It was fun music. So, when I heard that he had passed away, I knew that like Elvis, there was going to be a media circus. There was, to the detriment of our country.

During this past week, I've learned that Michael bleached his skin, had numerous nose jobs, didn't want to look like his dad, had needle marks all over his body, on and on and on.

What I didn't see was discussion of the 13 soldiers that died, the cap and trade bill, the health care bill, California's financial spiral, or any other actual issue concerning our country. The media sold out.

I got my news from the internet. Don't get me wrong, I get a lot of my news from the internet, but not everyone does. So, how can 6 plus hours of coverage be explained away by all the main stream media as news worthy? Why didn't they do a lottery to see which ONE station would carry the event of Michal's memorial?

I see teenagers who are devoting their life to Michael (including kids that I know). They think that he walked on water and that he changed the world for everyone. Well, he did in a way, but not always for the better. I don't think it's a wise choice to make any singer a role model. For that matter, no sports figure either. Find someone in your life to use as a role model. At the very least they will listen to you when you have concerns, issues or dreams for your future. My role model growing up was my Nona. I loved her dearly and she faced a lot of issues that none of us could even dream of, including immigrating to a foreign country and not speaking the language.

So, when will the media really start to cover what is going on in our country and world without commentary? When will they report the news without bias from either direction? I would like to wake up one morning and see that for once our country, even tho divided by party, has come together for the betterment of our country without worrying about who got the bigger or better piece of the pie.

I want a country that is run by a government that is for the people and by the people, not for themselves and by themselves.

So, my rambling is done........think I'll go knit something..........

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