Friday, July 9, 2010

Star or Openweave DishCloth Pattern

Love this pattern - fast, easy for an advanced beginner and neat design! 

Some people call this a star pattern and others call it an open weave pattern.  Whichever it is, it's neat!


Size 8 needles
Cotton Yarn (1 ball)
Tapestry needle

Pattern is a three stitch repeat

CO 36 stitches

For the border:  knit 4 rows

For the body:

Row 1:  K3, K2, *yo, K3, bring first of the three stitches over the other two.  Repeat from * to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 2 and Row 4:  K3, P30, K3
Row 3:  K3, K1, *K3,  bring first of the three stitches over the other two, yo, repeat from * to last 5 stitches, K5

If you don't want to add the border, then remove 3 stitches from each side and CO only 30 stitches. 
Then your rows would read as follows: 

Row 1:  K2, *yo, K3, bring first of the three stitches over the other two.  Repeat from * to the last stitch, K1
Row 2 and Row 4:  P30
Row 3:  K1, *K3, bring first of the three stitches over the other two, yo, repeat from * to the last 2 stitches, K2